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Showing Articles written by Joe McWhorter


Business needs sometimes dictate that a specific replicated archive is no longer needed. It may be that you are changing the replicated location from one to another, that you are transferring the server between machines (physical or virtual) at the same location, or that you just no longer need replication. Whatever the reason, the process will be to remove the replicated archive server before decommissioning it. This will help prevent and limit errors and orphaned files. This article explains how to remove a replicated SOLIDWORKS PDM Archive Server. Let's get started.


Have you ever seen that the preview tab in SOLIDWORKS PDM doesn't match the model you just had open in SOLIDWORKS? Most of the time when you see the mismatch, you'll see a warning that the file needs to be rebuilt, even though you were just editing the file. It all comes down to how PDM recognizes when you update a file and when the preview updates. If you make sure to follow the proper workflow and rebuild all parent files, you should be able to avoid this confusing warning message.