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It is important to know what happens to SOLIDWORKS data when it is saved to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform or when it is updated for compatibility with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform as per the System Option > 3DEXPERIENCE Integration.
In SOLIDWORKS, a sketch is typically your starting point for any design. You begin by adding sketch entities and defining them using two methods: Dimensions and Relations. In this guide, we will cover all SOLIDWORKS Sketch Relations, including what they look like, what is required to make them, and how they interact with your sketch entities.
Imagine it’s a hot summer day, and you’re driving down the freeway when your AC goes out – what to do? Roll down the windows to get some airflow, that’s what. But now, with all the air blowing around in the cabin, how does this affect gas mileage? When it comes to aerodynamics, seemingly small changes can have a significant effect on drag and fuel efficiency. In this article, SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation will help determine how different window configurations on a generic sedan (fully closed, partially open, or fully open, etc.) affect overall drag. By comparing these scenarios, we can gain insights into how variations in drag on your car can translate directly into fuel consumption differences.
DriveWorks Data Management is a component of DriveWorks Pro that allows control over the data stored in a DriveWorks shared or individual group. With Data Management, users can directly control project files, CAD files, specifications, etc., which are being accessed by the other DriveWorks applications such as Administrator, Live, Autopilot, and User.
If you plan to move your SOLIDWORKS Composer license to a different machine, you must deactivate it. It is also best practice to deactivate Composer—and any other SOLIDWORKS products—prior to major changes to your computer like replacing the hard drive.
SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional is a powerful document management tool. Collaboration, version control, revision control, change history, and access control are just some of the many features of PDM. Some of these features can be automated by Dispatch, an add-in provided with PDM. Automation can also be achieved by API written in C++, C#, or Visual Basic. However, Dispatch and in-house API can have their challenges. If the out of the box options can be so problematic, then there has to be a better solution. Enter GoExpress.
SOLIDWORKS animations can be useful for showing movement in your assemblies. Sometimes, you’ll want more precise movement than you’d otherwise find by dragging your parts. As a quick refresher, let’s go over the basic steps to set up an animation.
The foremost item to note about this migration is that the license software itself syncs with the SolidWorks Activation Server and directly checks the license out from the system. The process requires a transfer of the license off the old server back to the SolidWorks Activation Server before the new server will be able to be activated with the SolidWorks Activation Server and allowed to administer licenses to client machines.
No matter how intuitive and robust a program is, it often takes time for new users to familiarize themselves with it and develop techniques to maximize their efficiency. So in this article, we'll share some Abaqus tips and tricks to shorten the learning curve, speed up your analyses, and get the most out of your new FEA software.