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Imagine it’s a hot summer day, and you’re driving down the freeway when your AC goes out – what to do? Roll down the windows to get some airflow, that’s what. But now, with all the air blowing around in the cabin, how does this affect gas mileage? When it comes to aerodynamics, seemingly small changes can have a significant effect on drag and fuel efficiency. In this article, SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation will help determine how different window configurations on a generic sedan (fully closed, partially open, or fully open, etc.) affect overall drag. By comparing these scenarios, we can gain insights into how variations in drag on your car can translate directly into fuel consumption differences.

Have you ever wanted to create a custom material in SOLIDWORKS Simulation that has your own imported S-N curve data for a fatigue study? This tutorial explains how.

SIMULATION Dec 02, 2024

Are you a SOLIDWORKS user ready to jump into simulation and start doing static analysis? There used to only be one tool for the job: SOLIDWORKS Simulation. Now there is a second option: 3DEXPERIENCE Structural Designer. So which should you choose? In this article, we’ll compare and contrast so you can make the right choice.

SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2025 brings some exciting new updates for your simulation needs. This article will explore new enhancements to the component selection tools for your analysis, bonding interactions, weld pin and spring connector options, and mesh improvements for assemblies.

SOLIDWORKS Plastics Oct 29, 2024

SOLIDWORKS Plastics 2025 has new features and enhancements to help design your plastic parts with confidence. Key enhancements include improved performance in the fill analysis, more accurate sink mark predictions, more result plots for the warpage analysis, and continued material database updates.

SIMULATION Sep 30, 2024

Simulation, or virtual prototyping, allows engineers to see the performance of their design in ways even lab testing cannot easily do. Even better, it’s often more cost-effective, more timely, and less laborious than everything you have to do to carry out a physical test. Something that valuable must be expensive and hard to implement, right? Not necessarily.GoEngineer has helped thousands of small to large businesses adopt and upgrade their use of analysis tools.

SIMULATION Sep 11, 2024

GoEngineer's simulation team can best be demonstrated by introducing some of the individual members. If your company needs simulation support, these are among the people ready to assist you.


SIMULATION Aug 14, 2024

Each tier of SOLIDWORKS Simulation packages includes more advanced capabilities as you move up in each package (the higher-level packages include all the features of the previous levels). In this blog, we will compare all tiers of SOLIDWORKS Simulation packages and see examples so you can determine what level of SOLIDWORKS Simulation is best for you and your company.

Each node in a model meshed for a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) study has six degrees of freedom or DOF. Three are translational and three are rotational. In order to stabilize the model, the nodes’ DOF must be constrained.

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A forum created by engineers, for engineers. Join to access industry experts and connect with the engineering community.