3DEXPERIENCE Tutorial - Searching - Tips and Tricks

Searching and finding files on the 3DExperience Platform just got easier! The search bar is essentially Google for all of our files stored on the cloud, but taking advantage of sorting, keywords, and tags we can efficiently get to our files. This video covers the how-to for the many methods to get to files, and ends with recommendations on how to best use the searching functionality moving forward. 

Valid takeaways to immediately begin applying to your experience on the platform:
•	First, create detailed descriptions or part names. The more detailed, the more easily found when searching. 
•	Pay attention to the type of file used in your application, and use them for quick filtering. (for example Physics Simulation or sim: for simulation files). 
•	Use keywords, sorting, and tags and save common searches to Favorites, or pin them to your dashboard.
•	Create and apply Bookmarks to files to create folder structures for file storage.