SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard - Webinar - The Free Product Data Management Vault included with SOLIDWORKS Professional and Premium

This video is from a recoded webinar on 6/2/2021 called “SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard - The Free Product Data Management Vault included with SOLIDWORKS Professional and Premium”.
SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard (Product Data Management) is a secure data vault for all your CAD and design process information. PDM eliminates concerns over version control, work in process, and ensures all team members have access to the correct design data to avoid design or manufacturing mistakes.
This webinar is for you If you currently don’t use PDM and have ever spent extra time looking for the right copy of a file, fixed broken references, struggle with slow response from large assemblies, can’t control revision history, and ever built something to the wrong revision. In this webinar we discuss your SOLIDWORKS PDM options, define what problems PDM will solve, PDM license types, the PDM user interface, process workflows, document versions and revisions, automation, and the next steps to implementing your PDM vault.
In this webinar we walk through:
•	What SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard is and why design teams rely on SOLIDWORKS PDM as their secure data vault.
•	How PDM automatically manages CAD file references, design changes, revision history and increases collaboration with your internal team and outside manufacturing partners.
•	How PDM Standard is included with SOLIDWORKS Professional & Premium CAD licenses - version 2016 and newer – which means you probably you have access to this now!
•	Recommendations for PDM Standard training paths, implementation and other service options.
•	Open Q&A.