With every new release of SOLIDWORKS, we often get asked how to open new files in the previous version. Maybe our vendors are using a newer version than we are, or maybe a coworker upgraded and converted a file to the new year before you were ready. Almost all our customers have asked at one time or another, "How do I open a SOLIDWORKS file into an older version of SOLIDWORKS?”
The Check Your System message is only supposed to pop up every 10th launch of SOLIDWORKS; however, we have seen reports saying that this happens more often and that the messages pop even though the latest supported graphics driver is installed. Our SOLIDWORKS Technical Support team is often asked, “How do I get rid of these SOLIDWORKS Resource Monitor pop-up messages? They keep coming up no matter what I do.”
Over the years, GoEngineer customers have asked Technical Support how to change the orientation of a part file created in SOLIDWORKS. This tutorial explains a couple of ways to do this on a feature-based model. The best method we have found to change the orientation of an existing SOLIDWORKS part is using the Orientation dialog box.
With each new release of SOLIDWORKS, the file format is updated to take advantage of the latest performance upgrades. Each time you open a file from a previous release of SOLIDWORKS, a message appears to inform you that this is an older file. When you save the file, you have to convert the files to the latest version first before saving it. The process is quick; you will hardly notice it.