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SOLIDWORKS animations can be useful for showing movement in your assemblies. Sometimes, you’ll want more precise movement than you’d otherwise find by dragging your parts. As a quick refresher, let’s go over the basic steps to set up an animation.
Often, engineers need to include their company’s logo or another image in part files. However, this can be difficult if you only have vector images of your logo. Currently, SOLIDWORKS is unable to directly import .svg, .eps, and other vector image files as sketches or use them as sketch pictures or decals. An easy workaround to this is to use a third-party vector editing software to convert the vector image to a .dxf file, which SOLIDWORKS can import as sketch entities.
SOLIDWORKS offers a versatile set of options under Model Display, allowing users to personalize model visuals for parts and assemblies. Key features include setting custom colors, adjusting edge styles, and applying advanced surface attributes like transparency and texture scaling. This ensures accurate visual representation and smoother design reviews. You can also store custom appearances and optimize model sharing with integrated textures, decals, and lighting effects.
As with any Windows-based program, sometimes database files, registry keys, dlls, or many other files can get lost, deleted, or corrupted; SOLIDWORKS is not immune to these problems. Fortunately, when these problems do arise, SOLIDWORKS has a built-in repair mechanism that can rewrite the program files and registry keys back to the original install state to help get you back up and running.
This article was created out of my need to clearly display the auto-alignment prompts for text and dimensions in SOLIDWORKS. This was a serious issue in drawings and parts when sharing screens or presenting in a classroom environment. The problem was that the default yellow color didn’t have enough contrast. In this tip, learn how to change the temporary colors for graphics and shaded previews in SOLIDWORKS.
Creating Exploded Views in SOLIDWORKS can get frustrating when selecting the same entities for each explode step. Using the Selection Sets tool helps streamline the process. This tutorial demonstrates how.
This blog explains the steps of creating a jack-o-lantern design using SOLIDWORKS and SOLIDWORKS Visualize from one of GoEngineer's own SOLIDWORKS Experts.
When using the Area Hatch/Fill tool in a SOLIDWORKS drawing, you can modify the scale and angle of the default pattern with options in the PropertyManager. If you constantly need to make changes to get the pattern you want, or if none of the out-of-the-box patterns fit with what you need, you can modify the SOLIDWORKS Hatch Pattern file to create a custom pattern.
When designing complex parts in SOLIDWORKS, the Loft and Boundary commands are invaluable tools for creating organic shapes and surfaces. While both commands share similarities in creating Boss, Cut, and Surface features, they each offer distinct capabilities that you can leverage for different scenarios. In this blog, we discuss the key differences between the loft and boundary commands in SOLIDWORKS.