This article was created out of my need to clearly display the auto-alignment prompts for text and dimensions in SOLIDWORKS. This was a serious issue in drawings and parts when sharing screens or presenting in a classroom environment. The problem was that the default yellow color didn’t have enough contrast. In this tip, learn how to change the temporary colors for graphics and shaded previews in SOLIDWORKS.
This tutorial demonstrates how to use AutoStack in a DraftSight drawing to stack text that represents fractions and tolerances in leaders, smart leaders, and notes. AutoStack is great for converting numeric characters that are divided by a pound (#), slash (/), or carat (^) to text representing fractions and tolerances.
PrintStyle Tables are a powerful tool in DraftSight that allows users to define how a drawing will look when printed. The concept of PrintStyles is based on using an entity's color to determine how it should be printed, either as a color-dependent print style or as a named print style based on layers or specific entities.
DraftSight is a professional-grade 2D solution for creation, editing, and markup for 2D drawings and design. Read more for frequently asked questions.
SOLIDWORKS Envelope Mode dramatically improves Top Down design performance. Envelopes are used in SOLIDWORKS assemblies as reference components and selection tools. Envelopes (part or assembly) are ignored in the bill of materials and mass properties.
SOLIDWORKS Visualize allows you to leverage your 3D CAD data to quickly and easily create photo-quality content to bring your products to life. SOLIDWORKS Visualize is the "camera" for your CAD data! With the Denoiser tool, you can achieve significant reductions in render time for production-quality images.
SOLIDWORKS Design Tables allow you to quickly build and manipulate Part and Assembly Feature parameters in different configurations using an embedded Microsoft Excel worksheet. Note: To use Design Tables, you must have Microsoft Excel installed on your computer.
From time to time, SOLIDWORKS users may need to apply a scale to a part. Scaling can be done at any point in the tree but may negatively affect downstream features and sketches and doesn’t change the upstream features and sketches, so the sooner the better. A Design Table can also be used to keep it all parametric and may be a better option. In this guide, we cover both methods of scaling a part in SOLIDWORKS and visualize the differences.
Many SOLIDWORKS users ask, "How do I add a column to my Cut List that is tied to the Balloon Callouts?" This tutorial walks you through the steps necessary for balloons to be tied to a Custom Cut List Property. In this example, we'll walk through this process for a Weldment Cut List. Let's get started.