If you've ever been to a theater or a Broadway show, you might have noticed how the lighting, scenery, and backdrops change in sync with the performance. To achieve this precise coordination, lighting engineers and prop setters define each lighting, prop, and backdrop queue for the entire performance. By organizing the elements in a DraftSight drawing into layers, your designs can flow smoothly, just like scenes in a play. To do this, we'll use the Layers Manager and the Layer States Manager.
This tutorial demonstrates how to use AutoStack in a DraftSight drawing to stack text that represents fractions and tolerances in leaders, smart leaders, and notes. AutoStack is great for converting numeric characters that are divided by a pound (#), slash (/), or carat (^) to text representing fractions and tolerances.
When moving from your current DraftSight installation to one on a new machine, most people do not want to spend a whole day reorganizing their interface and settings. Copying your Workspace settings from one machine to another follows slightly different steps than moving your profiles.
The primary reason for creating drawings is to have a document that provides the most accurate communication of the design intent of a model or assembly to the fabricator. It must be clear and concise with the best and most precise documentation and annotations that convey the details for tolerances and procedure. This article explains how to use the DraftSight Split Dimension feature for cleaning up dimension detailing.
If you start to encounter DraftSight performance-related issues like crashing, hanging, graphics issues, etc., here are some key questions to ask and address. This article includes troubleshooting suggestions for Windows 7 compatibility Mode, Default Settings, Display Adapter tests, and more.
PrintStyle Tables are a powerful tool in DraftSight that allows users to define how a drawing will look when printed. The concept of PrintStyles is based on using an entity's color to determine how it should be printed, either as a color-dependent print style or as a named print style based on layers or specific entities.
In DraftSight, Mouse Gestures is a unique, fully customizable toolbar that appears when dragging the right mouse button. The command buttons are arranged in a circular pattern with the mouse cursor at the center. It can have either 4 or 8 command buttons. (Shown below)
The DraftSight Image Tracer lets you bring in layouts, logos, images, shapes, and more into a 2D CAD format. By tracing the image, you quickly get a vector conversion of whatever object you need, ready to be used in 2D CAD. Now, you can copy in floor plans, company logos, and more with just a few clicks.
DraftSight is a professional-grade 2D solution for creation, editing, and markup for 2D drawings and design. Read more for frequently asked questions.