SOLIDWORKS Solar Access Study Setup

Article by Lauren McGarry on Apr 10, 2023

In SOLIDWORKS, solar access studies are a kind of motion study used to simulate the motion of the sun as it passes over a model. This type of study is useful for applications like deciding where to place solar panels on a roof. 

Add Sunlight

The first step in setting up a solar access study is to add sunlight to your model. Sunlight is a kind of light available in SOLIDWORKS Professional and SOLIDWORKS Premium. The properties of this light are determined by the location, date, and time specified in the Sunlight PropertyManager. Unlike other kinds of lights, only one sunlight can be added to any part or assembly. 

To add sunlight to a model, go to View Lights and Cameras > Add Sunlight. 

Add Sunlight Option in SOLIDWORKS

Figure 1: Add Sunlight Feature Location

Doing so will open the Sunlight PropertyManager. 

SOLIDWORKS Sunlight PropertyManager Options

Figure 2: Sunlight PropertyManager

A compass will appear in the graphics area indicating which direction is North. To change this, pick a planar face or an edge to populate the North direction selection box.  

You can then set the location, time zone, date, and time. The Advanced tab includes additional options for haze, sun diameter, ground albedo, and sky gamma. There are several default locations from which you can choose or enter custom coordinates. To set the date to an equinox or solstice, click the down arrow button next to the Date text box.  

Solar Access Study 

Once sunlight has been added to the model, the next step is to create a Motion Study. In the MotionManager, click the Animation Wizard button.

SOLIDWORKS Motion Animation Wizard Button

Figure 3: Animation Wizard Button

In the dialog that appears, the Solar Access Study option is now available.   

SOLIDWORKS Solar Access Study

Figure 4: Animation Wizard Dialog

There are two kinds of Solar Access Studies: 

  1. Fixed Date, Variable Time simulates the different positions of the sun at different times on a specific day.
  2. Fixed Time, Variable Date simulates different positions of the sun at the same time on different days. 

Once you have gone through the Animation Wizard, click the Play from Start button to run the study. The background of the graphics area will change and shadows will move over the model. 

SOLIDWORKS Motion Study Play From Start Button

Figure 5: Play from Start Button

And that's how to set up a solar access study in SOLIDWORKS. 

GoEngineer SOLIDWORKS – Solar Access Study YouTube Video Check out this YouTube video for a demonstration of the tools and methods discussed in this article. 

SOLIDWORKS Motion Simulation Training

Want to become an expert? Learn to study kinematics and dynamic behavior of your SOLIDWORKS assembly models in the official SOLIDWORKS Motion training course offered by GoEngineer.

SOLIDWORKS Motion Simulation Training Course Offered by GoEngineer

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About Lauren McGarry

Lauren McGarry is a Certified SOLIDWORKS Expert based out of San Diego, California. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree from Case Western Reserve University and has been with GoEngineer as a Technical Support Engineer since 2016.

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